I have become
slightly addicted to this site called pinterest.com. It's a mecca for crafty minded people to come together and waste many,
many hours of their day pinning things to their "boards" to do someday, but will probably be closer to never. We all have grand ideas, don't we? Oh, yes. Yet, I have decided that won't be what happens to me. I will see these wonderful things to do, and I will
actually try them out! I have been busy making so many things in the past few days that I got off Pinterest, that my house literally looks like the aftermath of Armageddon, but honestly-I have never been happier! My kids are loving it, because they get to help with some of them, and play with others and I love, love,
LOVE creating things with my hands.
One of the boards I have on there is of things I have found that I think are "Great Ideas", and this post was one of them. It gives a list of different pictures to take for 30 days to basically improve your picture taking ability, and give you more interesting pictures. I adore taking pictures. My two year old says "Cheese" every time I pull out my phone cause he thinks he's going to get his picture taken. It's not that unusual for me to document random things they do throughout the day. Oh, I absolutely love taking picures........just not of myself. This is going to be kind of humbling for me. I loathe every picture of me since I've had kids and gained weight, but at least by me doing this, when I die-my kids will be able to remember what I looked like! I tend to always be the one BEHIND the camera. =)
I can't start the actual picture taking until tomorrow since I left my camera in my Mom's car. I don't know why either, but if you are a follower of this blog, you know I am as absentminded as that once famous Professor and these things tend to happen.
Here is the list.....
30 Day Photography Challenge
Day 1 Self Portrait
Day 2 What You Wore Today
Day 3 Clouds
Day 4 Something Green
Day 5 From A High Angle
Day 6 From A Low Angle
Day 7 Something That Makes You Smile (They had fruit, But I hate fruit pictures, so....)
Day 8 A Bad Habit (Even though I don't have any? =} )
Day 9 Someone You Love
Day 10 Childhood Memory
Day 11 Something Blue
Day 12 Sunset
Day 13 Yourself With 13 Things
Day 14 Eyes
Day 15 Silhouette
Day 16 Long Exposure
Day 17 Technology
Day 18 Your Shoes
Day 19 Something Orange
Day 20 Bokeh (I had to Google this. It means blurred background. I know, right?!? The Japanese make everything sound so exotic....)
Day 21 Faceless Self Portrait (Ummm, this should be interesting...)
Day 22 Hands
Day 23 Sunflare
Day 24 Animal
Day 25 Something Pink
Day 26 Close up
Day 27 From a distance
Day 28 Flowers
Day 29 Black and White
Day 30 Self Portrait
This is (mostly) what they had, I mean really....fruit? Ugh. Regardless, I am going to do this! Feel free to join me on your blogs, and lets get some fancy, fruitless photography flying! Everyone LOVES pictures, and when you break it down it is only one a day. So easy! You don't even have to keep the order if you don't want to....I won't tell.