Miles is almost 14 months old, and still not walking! All my other boys were walking by their 1st birthday, or just a few days after, but not him. He would crawl everywhere for the rest of his life, if he could. He has an interesting hybrid crawl though, that makes me call him Mowgli, from the Jungle Book. He crawls on all fours. Cute to watch. He loves his brothers, water, bubbles, and Classical Baby. He splashes in the toilet every chance he gets, which horrifies me! We yell "Radar", when he is making a break for it, so whoever is closer can run and shut the door. He always seems to know when a door has been left open, or the toilet seat left up. Sixth sense, I tell you. He is a funny little boy, who is the perfect end to this family. He is adorable!!
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