I woke up at 4 this morning with a headache, but I didn't want to get out of bed to get medicine because then I would be "up" up, so I decided to just go back to sleep and hope the headache went away. Wrong choice. I woke up at 9 with a full blown, "I'm going to puke if I move", "why is the f-ing sun so f-ing bright?!?", "somebody just come and put a bullet in my head, and end this" type headache. This was top 5 of worst I have ever had. All I could do was lay there and think about how the boys all had dentist appointments that I couldn't cancel because it wasn't 24 hours before. Boo! I finally got out of bed because I was tired of hearing Nathan ask for food. I went in the kitchen to get him cereal, smelled it and "got sick" into the sink. Nick is so good sometimes....he saw this and told me he would get Nathan breakfast. I got the medicine and just sat over the sink, trying to talk myself into actually putting something in my mouth. "Got sick" again, at the thought. Shoved it down with as little water as possible, and climbed into bed. Wendy (my sister)texted to see if I could come by and cut her hair, and I told her I would-as soon as I could move. She had stayed home with a headache as well, so we were miserable together.
About an hour later, I could so we packed up and went off to Wendy's. I decided to bring the stuff to make the marshmallow fondant that I had been wanting to try today-since the art class we do on Tuesday's with some friends and their kids from church was postponed 'till next week. I googled the recipe, made the fondant and the kids had a ton of fun doing it. The taste was way too sweet if you ask me, though. After we did it and all gagged on the super sugar intake, I got some flavoring from the cupboard and added it in. I liked the Orange flavor, but really I only took a tiny bite. The winner with the kids was the root beer flavor. I'll definitely do that next time. I could see putting it over cake because it did roll out nice, and I think the cake would put the kibosh on the gag reflex. But when kids, who are sugar freaks, won't eat it cause it's too sweet, I have to figure out a better way. As I am writing this, I realize how stupid it is to feed your kids straight sugar and marshmallows mere hours before going to the dentist to get cavities filled, but I was in pain and therefore not making great judgement calls.

Most of the time at mom's is a blur. Medicine.......Cut Wendy's hair........Medicine.........computer, and then left for the dentist. Let me tell you-not a great place to be with a migraine. Brighter than bright lights, and the sound of the drill......almost lost my mind. Cavities were filled, and we went back to my mom's where I just layed around on my comfy brown chair. Finally around 8:30 we headed home.
I have had headaches since I was about 12. Migraines run in my family, and I was unlucky enough to inherit them. I have had to learn to deal, and just go on with my life even when I want to die from the pain of it. Some days are better than others, and I have learned that chances are-tomorrow will be a better day. Let's hope.....

Oh, when I went to my mom's house Darby (my niece) came out to greet us dressed like this. I had to put it on here-she was too cute!
Migraines!!! Por Tammy. I have only had one in my life and I wanted to die. Eric gets them all the time. One time Scott Donaldson told him to come over to his house for an adjustment the next time he started with a migraine. It worked. The headache went away. Have you ever seen a chiropractor for your headaches? I am sure it is hard to function at all, let alone as a mom when you feel like garbage!
ReplyDeleteYou need to keep a 1 liter of coke hidden in the fridge for just these emergencies! The caffeine always helps me!
ReplyDeleteI've gone to the chiropractor a few times, and it does help. I just can't afford to go, since I don't have insurance. Shhhhh, don't tell Obama.
ReplyDeleteP.S, people-if you are going to do this marshmallow fondant, don't do it on a hot day. It melts pretty quick, hence my sliding mermaid...