My mind never rests. It's a fact. When I'm in bed, trying my hardest to sleep, my mind is thinking about all the things I could do the next day. Or how I can re-arrange the furniture in the front room, so that the A/C is felt better. Or, I am just in one of my "crafty moods" where I must be doing something with my hands. I have the need to create things, it doesn't matter if it's drawings, something out of sculpty, painting shirts, or restoring a porch swing (that I got off of FREECYCLE.ORG and am completely in love with!!), My body thinks that it would be a travesty to sleep, and waste all this time that I could be making something-so it refuses to calm down enough for me to catch some shut eye. I am full of nervous energy that doesn't go away until I grab some paper and make a list of things to accomplish tomorrow, or draw the pictures swirling around in my head.
I'm feeling very ambitious, of late. I have grand ideas for all sorts of decorations, and the ornaments I'm making for the boys and Alan. I'm making them a miniature version of the Sears Tower from Chicago. I have a prototype that I made from wood scraps and toothpicks that actually looks quite good. It was fairly easy to make I suppose, the hardest part was drawing the thing from Google pictures and not getting confused as to which side I was looking at. I think I got it though, and I'm very happy with it. What do you think?
They will look way cooler when they get painted, trust me....this is just the 1st draft, so to speak. |
It was fun to make, which is good since I need to make 5 of them-and I am learning what I want to keep and what I want to change about it. Also, one of the projects I'm super excited about is an advent calendar I'm going to attempt to make. I am in love with this one I saw online, but since I don't have the $45 + shipping to fork over for it, I am inspired to try and make my own. Mine will be better though, since I can have the world, and put all the little Flag People around it. I can put the 24 days/people in a well balanced manner, which suits my OCD compulsion to have things even. I have it drawn out and most likely will be working on it for the next year or so, since it is highly detailed, but I am determined to do it.

I don't know why I love things that bring all different countries into one fabulous project, so much. Maybe it is my desire to travel the world, and meet as many people as I possibly can in my life, or the fact that it is just different cultures getting along together. World peace-
on my living room wall!! I'm like the United Nations of Christmas Decor. Those who know me personally can just look at my little family and know I am all about mixing cultures, and just plain getting along. I'm glad I was born in a time/place that doesn't kill me for wanting this. My kids will learn about their ancestors, and I think they are handsome representations of the different ethnic backgrounds! Just check out their skin color. Gorgeous!!!

Every year I make ornaments for them, and buy one too. I loved getting a new ornament every year while I was growing up, whether I made it or my mom got it for us. She did it so when we were old enough to move out, our trees wouldn't be empty. Plus it is just a fun little tradition. So, naturally I take that tradition, and raise it one ornament. More is always better, right? Okay, I suppose not always, but when it comes to Christmas decorations, I'd have to say this statement is 100% true!! Also, it fills my "have to do something productive with these hands" need. I usually pick something that they are
very into that year to represent where they were at that particular point in their lives, and make them something personalized for them. Then I buy them something they like too. That way they have a back up in case something happens to one of them, that the "Ornament E.R." can't fix. (We seriously do have a space in the house designated for this. All broken ornaments come here to be glued back together, and "healed". My Han Solo is a amputee survivor, and is doing very well these days. Thanks for asking.) Some things can't be fixed-like the Plex I made Nathan last year. He loved it so much he kept carrying it around with him. I told him that Plex needs to stay on the tree so he doesn't break. He figured if Plex
did break, I would just make him another one. Well, guess what....he did break, and Nathan figured wrong. He carried the broken carcass around for a few weeks, until I just threw it away. He had lost everything but the torso by that point, and it was a little sad to see.
R.I.P Plex the robot ornament from Yo Gabba Gabba. You will be missed. |
I am looking forward to getting started on really building the "towers" over the next few days. My list for tomorrow consists of trying to find long 1/4 in x 1/4 in wood pieces so I can cut them, & make Those tiny Chicago landmarks. Short lists are always wonderful. Wish me luck!
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