I have noticed though, that there are some very manic feelings when it comes to me and shopping. The "I love it, I love it, I love it..." feeling of walking through, and touching everything-all the while telling the kids to keep their hands to themselves. (I know-I am totally the mom used as examples of what NOT to do in every parenting book out there.) The almost "high" I get from walking through the isles can disappear in a second, and come crashing down, to an almost suicidal-complete disgust in myself-by adding one tiny little factor into the mix. Clothes shopping for ME! I adore walking through the store looking for clothes for the boys, even Alan-who I can just basically buy "off the rack" for. Whatever they need-the store will have it in their size. Guaranteed! This does not happen for me. Being "Plus size" is not like the little something extra that the name implies. It's not a bonus, it's a tragedy. I have to shop at expensive stores that make unflattering, tight fitting, low cut, short clothes that are clearly not meant to be worn by somebody over 120 lbs. The designer probably had a laugh when they were making the clothes, just imagining how the customers would look after buying their awful clothes. They are former bullies, who apparently still get their jollies from torturing less genetically fortunate people than them. Is it too much to ask for to have shirts with real sleeves? Sleeves that go all the way down to the elbow? Or to have a skirt that doesn't show off your "lady bits" when you sit down? I mean really! And, why are there only a few stores that carry plus size? Do the bigger clothes offend the smaller, cuter clothes that have to be forced to share floor space with? Mostly I have to order clothes online, and who knows if that will fit? Is it really that hard to make a little space in your stores to put some "larger" sizes in? Target? How about you Walmart? Oh, I know you guys say you have plus sized clothes, but those are a joke. I think they were meant for the kids section. Be generous when cutting your fabric, it's embarrassing enough having to shop in the double digits, why do you have to taunt us by making everything the smaller end of the size, so we have to actually buy the next size up?
Hey. Psst, Fashion Industry.....I have a secret to tell you, something that is a mere rumor, but I will confirm it right here, on my blog-today.....People who wear plus size clothes, especially the female "people"...........get this- have boobs. Big ones! Please make shirts that fit! I am tired of having to wear bed sheets because I can't find anything to cover these bad mamma-jammas.
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Yes, large breasts are pretty shocking aren't they? Who knew some people had them naturally?!? |
Ok, So I am frustrated with that. I went out to buy jeans yesterday at Store X, because it's our only "blessed with bulk" store in the vicinity, only to find that none of their stuff fits. It is not flattering at all to the curvy figure, and is mixed in with size zero stuff, because we all know how much gals like me love being reminded by the tiny denim underwear that they dare to call shorts, that we will never be that size. Don't get me wrong-they had my size, but it was all meant to be a fashion show for someone else-not a someone who values comfort more than what the celebrities are wearing in the magazines these days, and tries to look like them. I don't need to please anyone but Alan, who loves me regardless-which I love him dearly for! (I remind him whenever I get depressed that He did this to me. If I didn't have the kids, I would have been way smaller.) All I need to do is have clothes that will stand up to the variety of abuses that Miles inflicts on my clothes daily. The greasy fingers, the runny nose, the dropped food......that is what I need! You (stores) not carrying the clothes we "big girls" want is not helping anybody. Nobody is losing weight sitting at the computer ordering your clothes. We need to be walking our butts into the store, perusing the merchandise and burning the calories while buying your stuff!
I guess what I'm saying is stores need to do a better job of having "Plus Sized" clothes that are functional, comfortable, affordable, and ACCESSIBLE!!! Oh, and cute too-we don't want to walk around in Mu mu's.
End of rant. I will say I did some fancy bill finagling today and was able to shop for the boys' school supplies and shoes. I got some sweet deals on the shoes! Payless' BOGO is a budgeting mothers dream. The boys found some awesome shoes, and I didn't feel like I needed to prostitute myself out just to pay for them. And even though the school list was excessively long, I think, Walmart came through and I was able to get everything on both lists for $23. I was a shopping genius today. The only thing that's going to top this is when I can finally start decorating my house for Halloween. Because as much as I adore shopping, I love decorating the house for Halloween/Christmas even more!! I'm counting down the days until it looks like Halloween threw up in my house!
Oh, Tammy...I can so relate! Shopping for plus sized clothes is such a drag. I was so worried when I got pregnant because I had no idea where I was going to find maternity pants in my size. I personally don't really like shopping, so having the frustrating task of finding new clothes is sometimes too much. The cost of the clothes is just another thing I hate, too. Luckily, I found some $6 shirts at Wal-Mart that fit, so I bought like 5 of them. I completely understand your aggravation.