Tuesday, August 31, 2010

Why does this sound familiar?

I've always loved Calvin and Hobbes, I've even included some of the comics in the Blog before, if you recall. But it wasn't until I was just looking through one of the books today, that I realized that I'm living it! My boys Ben and Nick are totally Calvin and Hobbes, and I'm terrified for Nathan & Miles to  get a little older and pick up on the habits of their brothers! Just like in the book, I get no rest with these kids. She had it easier with only 1 boy, I must point out.......

This is the comic that started it all:

I swear, if B & N aren't drawing people being blown up by bombs, they are drawing them being murdered in various, creative ways. Is this normal for boys? This complete fascination with death all the time? The have had drawing books taken away for drawing these things, because Ben was drawing them in school, and I got the talk about "What is appropriate, and what isn't" from his teacher during one of his conferences. Yikes. Now mostly I don't want them to draw them, because I really don't want to sit through another of those talks. You feel like a bad parent, because your kids are drawing things that would tend to make some teachers believe they are going to be future serial killers. All it tells me is that Alan lets them watch his shows behind my back, more times than he gets caught.

What is weird, is-while I am concerned about them being so young and being preoccupied with death, I kind of find the different things they come up with humorous. I won't let them know it though. My boys are by no means lacking in creativity. Sometimes I have to turn away so I can laugh-undetected-because I don't want to encourage them. Totally hypocritical, right?

"Don't do that!" *turn away....giggle, giggle*

Mostly I'm astounded with the things they come up with. They are constantly building things with random stuff around the house, straws, sticks, tape, wood, nails....anything they can find. They make these contraptions, and tell me what these random things are used for. They have built a few time machines, wooden airplanes, and wooden kites-fully expecting them to fly. I tried to explain aerodynamics to them, but 5 & 7 year olds just don't get it. Strange, huh?

Today, they packed some backpacks, because Ben made a "bomb" that was set to go off in 10 minutes. Then they proceeded to run around the house, showing real concern that they would be blown up any time. They didn't understand why I wasn't concerned. As soon as I made sure they hadn't touched the propane lantern from camping, and saw the bomb was really just a foil covered thing, tied to a Kleenex box, I went back to what I was doing. They were counting down the time, and when it got to the end of the time, and the bomb went off-they flopped around on the floor like dying fish, screaming. I know some people are like "That is insensitive to people blown up by bombs." To them I say, these are kids and as long as they are getting along, they can play whatever they want. Plus, it was pretty funny. If I had been feeling better I would have had them re-enact it on video.

This is my life people. I am living in a Calvin and Hobbes comic book! I suppose there could be worse things to live, especially since this is a highly entertaining strip. I just would like a break every once in a while from the high energy, rambunctious boys I have. It takes an awful lot of mental awareness to answer all of the questions posed everyday by these kids, and a great deal of  strength to not kill them for some of the stuff they do. It would be nice to be able to close the book sometimes, and go to sleep.

Oh well, at least life will never be boring.


  1. Madison got a note sent home from his teacher because he "Might have scared another child." He was pretending to be in a pod racer and pretended to shoot another kids with a pretend laser. I sent back a two page rant about how stupid it was to get him in trouble for this. I also talked to a counselor at the school and told her that I don't want to ever hear them complain or get Madi in trouble for being a normal male. She apologized to me and said she agree's with me, but it's school policy. So I told her I don't care what stupid policies are enacted, Madison will not be in trouble for being male again. And she said ok. He hasn't been in trouble since.

    Your boys are normal and are just fine. It's the schools who have the problem trying to turn our boys in to Sissy Girly Men.

    It's ok, their just fine. Don't worry about what they think. Laugh and let them see you laugh. They are doing nothing wrong. And you laughing at them being silly is not wrong either!

  2. I totally relate! Hahah! All three of my boys are obsessed with weapons. And I was one of those moms that started out with NO weapon toys at all! In fact, when I bought "water guns" they were always the ones shaped like dolphins or fish instead of guns. Haha! So then, of course, everything was a gun: sticks, straws, food...fingers. It is inevitable.
    My oldest who is 12 will still draw war scenes and loves his airsoft gun. It is such a boy thing!
