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This doesn't really have anything to do with the blog today, I just love the picture! =) |
You know, I started this Blog really to tell our far away friends and family about our lives, and keep them posted on the kids. Now that I am doing it, I find that most of my posts are about Me, stuff that I did, or random musings going on inside my overstimulated noggin-with a picture here and there of the boys. And since I don't think most of the far off family that this was intended for ever actually looks at this thing, I am officially changing it to be mine. The people following-few as there are-are all friends/family of me anyway, so this seems only fair. I'll still throw a splash or two in of the boys, and things Alan did to keep you up, but I'm pretty much going to Declare this blog-Tammy's blog. There seems to be plenty of Mommy blogs out there anyways.
So, I will start off by saying-I learn time and time again that if I want something done right, I need to do it myself. Ok, so I don't really learn-otherwise I wouldn't keep asking Alan to do stuff, then would I? Probably not. I got another lesson today, which you'd think would make it sink in, but I highly doubt I won't stupidly ask him to do something important again in a week or so. Whatever......I was at my mom's house trying to round up the kids so I could get home and make dinner. I was going to be making my delicious homemade Mac 'n Cheese that we love, so I was anxious to get home and get started. I called him and the conversation went something like this (I'll spare you the Hello's, those are non-interesting...):
Him "So...........what's for dinner?" (In a quizzical tone, basically asking if I was going to make him come up with something. pfft!)
Me "I'm making mac & cheese."
Him "Home-made??"(Because I've made boxed so many times for dinner before?!?! I only make home-made for dinner....)
Me, "Uh, yes. Can you put the macaroni in to boil so it'll be mostly done when I get home. I'm trying to get the kids in the car."
Him "I don't even know where it is....."
Me "It's in the white cabinet-cupboard thing. When you open the doors, it's on the left, second shelf down."
Him "what does it look like? I don't even know what I'm looking for."
Me "It says Elbow Macaroni."
Him "What?!? What is that?"
Me "It's macaroni, It's just called Elbow Macaroni. I don't know. There are 2 boxes, one is open, 1 isn't. I need 4 cups. Use the rest of the box that's open, and fill in the rest with the un-opened box."
Let me just state-I see my error now. I said more than 1 sentence, and confused him. But, I do have blind faith in him that he will get something right some day. I love him, it makes me dumb.
Him "wait, use the 2 boxes? I'm confused."
Me "NO! I need 4 cups. Use the open box, and then fill it up the rest of the way to 4 cups with the other box."
Him "Okay, I'll do it in a few minutes."
Me "Okay, see ya."
I should have known he heard "blah, blah, blah, 2 boxes. blah, blah, blah, see ya." 'Cause when I got home and was making the sauce, I went to throw the butter wrapper in the trash and saw BOTH empty boxes in there. That, Ladies and Gentlemen, was 4 pounds of macaroni that my wonderful-but obviously partially deaf hubby put in to cook. I just bought a 3 lb. box of the pasta that was supposed to last the whole month! I gasped like a dramatic movie actress, and did my best "I'm-really-trying-hard-to-not-swear-at-you-right-now" "Alan.......why are both boxes in the trash?!?!" He looked confused, from his comfy chair (he didn't even bother to get up, must have thought my gasp was from his TV show!). "I said I needed 4 CUPS, not 4 Pounds!" (I said this sternly, but not mad, because I knew it was my fault) He got mad. I ignored him. And now we will be eating Macaroni noodles for the next 2 weeks. Anybody want some?
I actually accomplished something today! I had the boys clean up with me, since they just started having actual cleaning being expected of them, and the house was a mess. I tried to get them to do it before, but they obviously didn't get the memo, because it was always a lot of fighting and moaning to pick up a few things. Now, they get their trip to the park threatened. That got their attention! Plus we split it up-Ben is in charge of picking up: toys, books, dishes. Nick has to do: clothes, blankets, and shoes. Nathan has trash. Every week we will switch them around so they are picking up something different. Miles has taken it upon himself to quickly undo what they have done. He's very efficient at it. He is also very adorable, so they don't get mad at him, they just put the stuff back. I wish I had that "cute" card to play. So, they picked up, and I helped a bit, and when I was done vacuuming, I took pictures as proof that I do actually clean. Plus, if it looked horrible when Alan got home, I had evidence that I don't sit around eating bon-bon's! One great side effect of them cleaning is they don't mess it up so fast because they know they'll have to clean it. Don't get me wrong, it still gets messy-it just takes a day or so before you almost break an ankle tripping on stuff.
Oh! I totally did that today! The whole place was clean- and I was walking in to ask what they wanted for lunch, and I stepped on a toy that Miles (of course!) had left right in front of the fridge. I slid like I was wearing wheels or something, could have done some fly moves if I'd had any warning! I literally slid-like a foot and a half before forcefully bracing myself on the doorway to the family room. Not very graceful, but I didn't spill any of the water I was walking with! I did bruise my arm up pretty good from where I slammed it, but I'll live.
Alright, I'm going to go to bed. Mom and I are taking the boys "garage sale sight seeing" tomorrow, and I have to have them up early. It's been fun talking at you. Goodnight, all!
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