Wednesday, September 12, 2012

Feel Inside (And Stuff Like That)

If you know me, you will know that I am slightly somewhat completely in love with Flight of the Conchords. They are brilliant and comedic songwriters, and may I say it's an absolute travesty that they don't have a show any more. Okay, okay-rant over. Jemaine is my favorite. It may be the sexy accent, the nerdy glasses, his contagious giggle, his height...I don't know. But I do have a mad crush. =)

Aside form that-they were asked to write a song for charity to help sick kids. This is the song they came up with after interviewing kids. It is amazing! I think this needs to played on the radio. All. The. Time. Take a listen and fall in love with it like I did. If you feel like donating to the cause of helping out sick children, there are a few links on YouTube. Enjoy, and leave me a comment on what you think of it.

If you have seen The new Muppet movie, Bret (on left above) wrote-and won a Grammy for his song "Man or Muppet". And if you have kids that love the movie Rio-like mine do, Jemaine (on the right) does the voice, and wrote the song for Nigel. He is a fantastic evil bird.

1 comment:

  1. Oh MY GOSH! That was awesome! Why have I not known who these guys are?!?!? I am obsessed with the muppet know I am going to be on u tube for the next hour.
