Wednesday, April 27, 2011


Nathan drew big dinosaur footprints on the wall with sidewalk chalk. I said, "don't draw on the walls. If you want to draw, go get some paper." His response, "but Mom, dinosaur footprints won't fit on paper!"

Nathan: “Mom! Miles is on the table”
I get him off the table, and say, “No, Miles!”
Nathan “He doesn’t go on the table ‘cause he’s not food-right, Mom?”
Turns to Miles and scolds “Miles, stay off the table! You’re not food!”

Nathan: Mom I’m a good pooper!

Nathan: Mom, my teeth are mad at me.
Me: Why?
Nathan: Because I ate dirt all night long.
Me: Why would you eat dirt?
Nathan: Because you wouldn’t feed me.

Nathan looks at cousin Dave, confused, then asks....”Why are you so black?”
Dave “because I’m your Black cousin Dave.”
Nathan: “Ok. Are you going to let me fish with that?”(Dave was fixing a fishing pole)
Dave “Yeah, but not right now.”
Nathan runs excitedly over to the end of the dock where I was and yells with his hands in the air..
“Mom! I’m going to get to fish! Just not right now!”
Me: ”Ok. Yay!“

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