Thursday, May 5, 2011

Oh, Etsy.......

I love! It is wonderful that there is a place where crafty people can sell their goods, and you can find some truly unique gifts. BUT, that being said....I think some people over-estimate their skills. I find things on there, that look like a toddler drew them, and they are priced about $68.00! Come on.......Really? Did somebody tell you they thought you could seriously get that much for your glued together bedazzled Popsicle sticks around a 3 inch picture?

I am honestly amazed at the prices some of these people are charging! I found a T-shirt blanket on there, and I will admit-I fell in love. I have always wanted one and the effort on my part is too much for me to do one at this time. And this one had funny t-shirts, and old school ones that represented my youth. It was deep, fast love that radiated from my core, and left me in awe. BUT It was so fleeting it made my head spin. I nearly passed out when I saw the price. I was speechless-but not in a good way. $695.00 + s&h. Let me repeat.....$695.00 + S&H!!!!!!!!! Does it fly like Aladdin's carpet? Did it have magical unicorns sewn in that serenaded you to sleep the second you pulled it over you? Was 24 karat Gold thread used? I am hard pressed to come up with anything that would be worth paying that much for, especially something that is smaller than a couch.

Here, I thought the whole point of this site was to get your stuff out there to a broader audience, and make some extra money while doing it. I love, love. love when people make some cool little baubles AND make them completely affordable! I will support them. Not greedy, unrealistic jerks. I do understand the time and energy it takes to put some of these things together, as well as the cost of the materials. Being a crafty lady myself, I get it. But, I also think that some of the people out there highly mis-judge how valuable their time is.

Joke is on me I guess, because my beloved king size T-shirt blanket was no longer on there the next time I went to the site. Though I scoffed at the price, somebody else clearly had a little more to spend. Either that, or the seller realized it was a crazy price, put it on sale and someone snatched it up. This is one thing that I am really envious that somebody out there owns, because they are not me.

To all of you who are out there charging extravagant prices for your trinkets that I could make myself, just know this-I am. I am stealing your ideas, making it myself (probably better), for cheaper and I don't fell bad at all. I'm probably giving it away too-For free. Quit being so greedy.


  1. You should be selling your stuff on etsy! That way you are the one making some extra stuff! I agree with you ppl over charge.

    One thing I hate is there is only one of what ever it is and you need 10 for a birthday party. Or you think you are buying a made object and all you get is a pattern.

  2. Check out It'll keep you busy for a night and maybe even give you some new, fabulous ideas! No, I'm kidding--please don't get any ideas.
