Sunday, September 5, 2010

RIP Tammy. Welcome to the Dark Side.

I always made fun of my mom for watching kids movies, when all of us kids were grown up. I still kind of do-yet, I realized something pretty scary today. I am totally already MY MOM. I have always been like her, but I have really held onto the fact that I watch kids movies with my kids, and not just for the fun of it. Then as I was walking through the grocery store today, I caught myself singing "Introducing Me" from Camp Rock 2. I didn't even have kids with me! When I caught myself, I literally stopped where I was, hung my head, and had a moment of silence for "Tammy", because I now am my mom.

I should have caught on Friday, when Alan was gone for his Guys Night, and I had all the kids in bed and could have picked anything to do. What did I choose, you ask? The first paragraph should be a huge hint. I layed in bed with Miles and Nathan passed out, and I watched Camp Rock 2, by myself. I even rewound, and re-watched the song "Introducing Me" because I thought it was very cute. I seem to be doing this kind of stuff more and more, now that I'm thinking about it......There are times where there are no kids in sight, and I will just leave the channel fixed on whatever show they had on. I have definitely left Coolsville! Goodbye, Shaggy and Scooby! (If you thought "Hey, that sounds just like the name of the town Shaggy, Scooby-Doo and the gang live in!" before I mentioned it, you need to come with me to Mommytown. You have lost your "cool" ticket too.) I'm not too sad, because being a mom is actually pretty fun at times. I'm embracing it with open arms! Now I have a licence to get away with all sorts of previously scoffed at things. I admit it- I like the Disney Channel. I confess that I enjoy cartoons, as well as my girly tear-fest movies. There is room in my life for all of these, and my crime shows, ghost shows, and my not so kid-friendly movies. Ok, world! I admit it-I am my mother, and I am fine!

It's not a bad thing. I love my mom dearly, but if I start breaking out with the weird sayings:

"Two sides of one coin..."
"Mad as a hornet..."
"6 or one half dozen of another..."

I will walk my butt down to the court, and legally change my name to "My Mother" Hendricks.

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