Saturday, July 24, 2010


Since I had the "mishap" with my phone, all of my downloaded songs and ringtones were lost. I have been on the website downloading new ones. It's a free website, where you can download ringtones, MP3's, wallpaper, videos, etc...but, I really only care about the ringtones. People upload music on, and you can just import what they have, or you can customize it to be on the part of the song you like. Also, you can put music from your computer on and make ringtones out of that, meanwhile also allowing others to make use of your song. Lots of fun.

This is wonderful, except that I have no cell service at home-wholly unreliable at best. So yes, I can download songs and send them to the phone via text message-but now I have about 18 messages that require me to have some sort of working service to get them off my phone. Right now, I'm just playing around and listening to music, more than actually downloading. Just testing the waters a bit to see if I really want the song on my phone.

Miles has also decided that he is going to tease us by taking a few steps. If he sees you looking-he'll drop down, and start crawling. If you clap for him, and show any hints of excitement-he loses focus and just drops down, clapping along with you. The boy is pretty much 14 months old! I am absolutely convinced he can walk, he's just trying to squeeze out a few more months of being carried everywhere. I hardly carry him around anymore partly because my jacked up back can't take it, and partly because I'm trying to give the boy the hint that "it's 2 feet from here on out, little Buddy." The older 3 were walking by 12 months, so this is something I'm not used to. The strong will I get, but why wouldn't he want to walk? Way more fun, I think.

Both are a work in progress, but we'll get there. So, tomorrow if you see me skipping out on the second class in church, bent over my phone-please ignore me. I'm working.....

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